martes, septiembre 25, 2007

Samael - My Saviour

My Saviour

So small in my greatness
I am the one who never wanted to be
So great in my smallness
I am the one who knows he is not
Around and inside
I am everywhere
ruling my mind
I am made of power
started down below but now
going higher and higher and higher
from one to ten
'cause ten is one and...
One thousand million hearts beating under my skin
I'm the word which means every word
I'm the truth hidden behind every lie
started down below but now
going higher and higher and higher
I'm the beginning, I'm the end
I am the Alpha, I am the Omega
One thousand million hearts beating under my skin
I'm the sword which leads every sword
I'm the path which contains every path
I'm Immortal, I'm Glorious
I'm Supreme, I'm My Saviour
My Saviour...

Las religiones apestan... solo por el hecho de creer tener
la verdad. Y peor el tratar de imponerla...
Las personas crean religiones, es sin duda... no me gusta
seguir lineamientos mortales, hechos por
otro pendejo iwal a mi, ke kizas en su pachekez escriba
un mandato "divino" Fuck off....a todas las religiones sobre
todo a la gran ramera de todas,llena de dinero...
(segun cierto libro que lei en alguna ocasion)..

"estamos tan lejos de quienes creíamos ser, y tan cerca de
nuestra verdadera naturaleza"
Stolen from:

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